Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 1 - Arithmetic diagnostic test

Here I come, submitting my day one before you, dear reader.!
A gap of 2 months before I last studied has truly played spoilsport today. I found it pretty difficult to get into the flow.

I started with solving the Diagnostic test on Quant from OG12. According to their rating, I stood at the highest possible rating they provided. Infact, that made convinced enough to give a gently push today. I started off with basic Age problems today. Ahem! I should say something here. You might be wondering why did she straight hit on Age problems, skipping everything before it. Yes.! Numbers are something I hate to work with. I tend to push them for a while till I get used to the study plan.

Coming back to Age problems, all you need to understand is really ‘Word Translation’, as MGMAT calls it. You should be good enough to convert English language to the mathematical data they represent.

For eg., ‘Joseph got twice as many apples as bananas..’ you should be good enough to convert this as ‘number of apples = 2 * number of bananas.

These kind of details are concentrated on MGMAT Word Translation guide. Further, some more methods to work on Age problems in an easier way have been discussed. I am generally good at these problems, but the strategy that is followed by MGMAT might actually reduce time with practice, than our usual methods would.

I solved all the practice questions on Age topic from MGMAT.

Material covered:
·      MGMAT Word Translation – Pages 1- 30.
·      OG 12 – Pages 1 -26.

·      Don’t miss a single line marking it as unnecessary. Every line has its value.
·      Concentrate for atleast 2 hours per day.
·      Read a book for atleast an hour everyday; don’t just read. Comprehend. Break the complex data into simpler ideas in your mind. Jot them down till you know you can remember them.
·      Browse, about latest news and their dig them.

What is realized today is, practice is the most important when it comes to GMAT. We do nothing more than high school math, and what is required is using our tricks to get to the solution quicker. 

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